April 30, 2014

My Roomie Got Married!!!

About this time 8 years ago I was getting ready to graduate High School and had plans to attend Clemson University that fall. I was going through the great roommate debate that every high school senior goes through before they start college. I didn't want a randomly assigned roommate but none of my really good girlfriends from high school were going to Clemson. Oh the drama of high school.. :) Townsend and I had a mutual friend who knew that we were both in the same roommate predicament and introduced us through none other than MySpace! Yeah.. we were cool. So we had a few conversations through AIM (another blast from the past) and decided we needed to meet! So the two of us and our moms had lunch:
And the rest was history! A few months later we moved into Lever for our very first day of college:
And we lived together for the next 4 years, until the day we graduated:
And this weekend I got to stand by her side as she married the love of her life!
And what a gorgeous bride she made!!!
Smokin' hot bridal party!
First toast as Mr. and Mrs.!
 Always a fun time with this one as my date!

Everything was SO beautiful. The bride, the weather, the ceremony. 
It couldn't have been a more perfect weekend.

I am so thankful God allowed our paths to cross 8 years ago. I couldn't imagine my college years without this girl, and I'm thankful for the forever friendship that was created in the process. 

Congratulations to my favorite new newlyweds!! 

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